Thursday, April 19, 2012

Update: Dewey's Readathon

As Dewey's Readathon is coming up in well one and a half days I thought I'd share my book list with everyone. This is my first time participating so I had fun trying to strategizing which books and what books to read to maximize my staying awake and engaged capacity, considering I have no idea how I'd do that, there was a lot of guessing involved (a lot of I KNOW I WILL BE GONE FOREVER WITH THIS BOOK moments).

Here are my book choices:
A Curse Dark As Gold
The Son of Neptune
Howl's Moving Castle
Princess Academy
The Year of the Griffin
The Secret of Platform 13

Bloodborn throughThe Son of Neptune are the books I'm choosing to read while the last four are books I will re-read in between if I feel myself losing interest in the other books. As for right now I plan on reviewing four in the list.

As for how much I plan on participating, I know I'm going to be there in the beginning and I'll be there at the end (right before I have to run off to my second job). I plan on taking two nap breaks midway through (I want to see what the mini-challenges are before I figure out when, but beggers can't be choosers) since I have been threatened to have my books taken away if I don't sleep before going to mentioned second job on Sunday. I might also have to pop into first job if they need me (I was getting begged to come in), but I'm hoping it'll just be books, books, books.

Good luck to anyone else participating! I know I'm incredibly excited.


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